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this is my website.
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My name is Travis Tonn. I am a musician, audio nerd, visual artist and generally fidgety person. Most days I feel like I am not getting much done. This collection of art is my attempt to remind myself that is not true. These are some of the projects I've done for fun over the last 10 years.
For projects people have paid me for, some of which were fun too, check out my audiobook website:
an album
an album
A lot happened and I made this record.
Click on the banner to go to the website.
music in pictures.
Bands totally used to be thing.
moving pictures
Animation is really hard. Here is some proof.
words & pictures that move
words & pictures that move.
Lifetimes ago I went to college for poetry and took pictures before even that. These are not those.
other people's projects
A lot of my friends make cool stuff. Sometimes I get to help them out.
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